
Mister D.I.Y.

#HeDidThat by Lifestyle Design

The Retro Reframe

Wedding Day Get-A-Way, Winner’s Strike, and Date Night family photos are dressed in black… much like our frame-on-frame project-in-progress. Antique, heirloom, and vintage photos are a great way to highlight your heritage while also an inexpensive way to add personality to any room. Go ahead, recycle, redecorate, restyle, repeat!

Bored and inconspicuous, this Duck Duo sat (for at least a year) in a shady corner of an upstairs powder room. Notice in the BEFORE (photo above) how the dull, drab, dead, green and red colors almost camouflage the poor little fella! Naturally, I grabbed a few paint pens – teal & turquoise are always a #MustHave – and voila! This dressed-to-impress dynamic duo now serves as a great conversation starter, and effortlessly lefts your mood with each passing glance.

Another Lifestyle Design Mister D.I.Y., Look We Love: Gift Wrapping Room!

Crafty, creative, savvy, and thrifty…

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